Trying to make heads or tails of health care, with its seemingly endless changes and complexity, is enough to make just about anyone queasy.
Against that backdrop, a retirement planning expert who speaks with clarity and authority is the perfect antidote.

That’s one of the ways that Inside Edge PR introduces Jim Flanagan. In this instance, it’s the news release about his Health Care in Retirement presentation–one of nearly a dozen programs that he and his colleagues have delivered in numerous Chicago-area suburbs over the years.
The founder of Bentron Financial Group, Jim’s next Health Care in Retirement presentation is coming up on Wednesday, September 4th at the Berwyn Public Library.
His other programs include:
Affording Retirement
Financial Management in Retirement
Understanding Social Security: A Look at the Bigger Picture
Retire with Confidence
Essentials of Estate Planning
Can You Afford to Retire?
Packing for Retirement
For Jim, helping older adults isn’t just something he does for a living. It’s a lifelong passion that continues to grow. In 2016, he earned a Master of Arts Degree in Gerontology from the University of Southern California. Currently, he is pursuing doctoral studies in Leadership and Gerontology from Concordia University in River Forest.
He has been on the Oak Park/River Forest Township Senior Services Committee since 2005, serving as chairman since 2008. And in 2010, he founded the Celebrating Seniors Coalition, a not-for-profit organization that, among other services, helps seniors with emergency needs and raises public awareness of issues affecting seniors in Oak Park, River Forest and Forest Park.
Overarching all of his endeavors, Jim is expert in just about anything you can imagine pertaining to finance, particularly as it intersects with retirement planning. He brought it all together earlier this year with the publication of Packing for Retirement: A Practical Guide to Prepare for Retirement at Any Age.
When you find the book on Amazon (accessible by clicking the link above), read the five-star reviews to get others’ impressions on the highly informative and helpful book.
Then do yourself a favor and purchase a copy. That singular decision may well be one of the best investments you ever make.
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